7 th May


English practice book pg. 101

Maths bk pg. 25

Aqra Tikka Qari- Haga Mohgaga

Tomorrow you are kindly invited to attend the Open day between 8.30-11.30.

On Thursday we have the first swimming session.  Kindly make sure that the children wear their swimming costume underneath their school tracksuit.
The swimming bag should have:
 a swimming cap (compulsory)
 a towel
 flip flops
Those who would like to get a bathrobe, are free to do so.  

Those children who will be using armbands, have to get their own armbands, already inflated from home.

Those children who will be using a noodle, will be provided with one.  Do not get your own noodle from home.

Kindly make sure that everything (socks, tracksuit etc) is labelled with your child's name.
