

English Mc.Millan pg. 18

English Nessy bk pgs 20-21

Maths bk pg. 19

Maths workbook : Revise the number names from 11-20 found on the Maths workbk pg. 8.

Malti poeziji: pingi jew wahhal stampi tal-animali li jissemmew f'din il-kanzunetta)

Malti dizzjunarju: ikteb il- kliem fuq in-naha l- ohra u sib 3 stampi tal- affarijiet li nsibu fil- kamra tas- sodda u 3 stampi tal-kcina.

Yesterday I gave them a library book in Maltese. From now onwards the children will bring home a library book and a guided reading book 🙂

Imp: Reminder 'Spelling bee' for next week ( 6 kelmiet li jibdew bl-h li jinsabu fin- naha ta' fuq tan-nota fuq My Helper Malti)

Revise and read 'My Helper' copybooks

Kindly send the ' San Martin' form and 'Consent and information form for student services' by next week on Tuesday 6 th November.

Reminder of Talk about on Tuesday 6th November. Pls check the names.

I encourage you to read and hear your children read everyday!!!

Thanks for your constant cooperation

Wish you Happy Holidays 😊
